型号: | SDC541 | 规格: | 20-1000L |
商标: | 东星 | 包装: | 木箱 |
气瓶容量: | 0.05-14.0m3 | 执行标准: | SDC541,CURD |
材质: | 碳钢,不锈钢 | 控制路数: | 2-20W |
产量: | 1000 |
靖江东星船舶设备厂 专业生产的速闭阀控制箱均获得 “CCS”“ABS”、“GL”、“DNV”、“KR”、“CR”、“RINA”、“BV”、“NK”等国内外船舶业认可!

气动速闭阀控制箱 型号:CRD-U5-50L
气动速闭阀控制箱 型号:CRD-U3-70L
气动速闭阀控制箱 型号:CRD-U4-70L
气动速闭阀控制箱 型号:CRD-U5-100L 等等

型 号Type: CSKX-70Ⅴ
数 量Quantity: 1台/船 1set/ship
空气瓶容积 Volume of Air Receiver: 70L
工作压力working pressure: 0.7MPa
设计压力design pressure: 0.8 Mpa
控制路数control ways :5 路 ways
材 质: 空气瓶材料为Q345R,箱子材料为Q235A,管路为20无缝管。
Material: material of air reservoir is Q345R material of box is Q235A, and material of tube is 20 seamless tubes .
油 漆::空气瓶外表面涂乳白色面漆,管子及箱体外表涂红色面漆
Paint: Inside surface of air receiver to be painted with white paint, all tube and outside surface of box to be painted red paint.
C ontrol b ox should be equipped with following nozzles and valves: air receiver, inlet valve , outlet valves, pressure gage and its valves, safety valve,.
气动速闭阀控制箱 是船舶各燃料舱,滑油舱或日用燃油柜,实现 气动 遥控操作关闭阀门切断油路,在火灾紧急情况下,有效地防止火灾蔓延,避免重大损失。 控制箱 的安装形式:嵌入式,故安装方便,外形美观。

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