包装 | 罐装 |
保质期 | 36个月 |
产品型号 | 7620 |
保质期限 | 3年 |
净含量 | 450ML |
产地 | 广东佛山 |
品牌 | 绿巨人 |
型号 | 7620 |
三分钟引擎清洁剂 本品是多功能产品,有各种品牌的功效,使用本品,可以迅速有效地清除对机油精有损的物质。例如:清除油污和磨损的铁粉,延长寿命,延长换油期去除黑烟,提高内部压缩力,增加动力,降低油耗等。还可以均匀保持机油润滑所需的粘度。 使用方法: 1.不要放掉旧机油,并保证一定的机油量; 2.在更换机油及过滤器前,将本品加入机油室内,并使发动机怠速空转3分钟; 3.使用时禁止开动车辆; 4.3分钟后关闭引擎,放掉旧机油,更换机油过滤器,加入新机油即可; 5.根据**的大小确定使用数量,一般150以下排量的**每次使用半瓶即可,剩余密封保存即可。 规格:450ml* 24 有效期:3年 Three-minute motor flush This product is a multi-function products, with the super cleaning function. Using this product, it can quickly and effectively remove harmful substance inside the motor. For example: decontamination or iron powder. It will extend the engine lifetime and engine oil changing time, help improving the internal compression force, increasing power and reducing fuel consumption, maintaining the required viscosity for the lubricating oil, and so on. Usage: 1. Do not let go of old motor oil, and keep enough oil inside; 2. Before changing the oil and filter, add this product into the oil tank, and start the engine idling for about 3 minutes; 3. Remarks: Used this product, the vehicle should stop and don’t move; 4.3 minutes later, stop the engine, let go of the old engine oil, replace with the new oil filter and add new oil; 5. The using quantity is according to the size of motor.When using half of the bottle, seal the can to keep the rest. Specification: 450ml * 24 Period of validity: 3 years