宜春新丝路实业有限公司成立于1996年,生产基地坐落于国家美丽优的旅游城市……江西省宜春市。本公司是一家集设计、研发、生产、销售为一体的综合企业,具有的生产设备,技术实力雄厚,拥有一支训练有素生产队伍和完善的管理体系,新丝路人始终专业·专注的致力于尼龙轮、飞翼轮、拉丝轮等抛光材料的生产研发,产品广泛用于‘不锈钢’‘铝合金’‘家俬’‘石材’及各类五金件等的表面抛光处理。在国内同行业中具有很高的知度,产品远销国内外,并赢得广大客户的一致好评。 “以人为本,以信经营,科学管理,打造品牌”是新丝路的经营目标;“以质量求生存,以服务求发展”新丝路的经营宗旨。一支高素质的营销团队随时为您提供高质量的售前和售后服务,欢迎广大新老客户来函来电洽谈!?我司愿与您真诚合作、携手共创美好的明天! Yichun Xinsilu Industrial Co., established in 1996,is a integrated enterprise of design,development,production and production base is located in the beautiful and outstanding tourist city of the country-------Yichun,Jiangxi are specialized in Non-woven wheel,Flap Disc,Marble Polishing Wheel,Wire Drawing Wheel and Cutting Disc ’s mainly used for Stainless Steel,Aluminum Products,Furniture,Stone and various of the ’s It has the advanced production equipment and strong technical products are performance,they are make of the high quality raw materials,the quality of products are stability,the variety and specification are complete,it’s efficient and ,it got the consistent high praise of the masses of users,and enjoy a high reputation in the domestic industry,the products are exported abroad. “People-oriented,scientific management,create brand”is our goal.“Survive by quality development by service”is our have a high-quality marketing tearm ready to offer the pre-sales and after-sales the negotiations with are sincerely hope cooperate with and join hands in creating a better tomorrow!