公司简介 本公司是专业从事钛及钛合金、难熔、稀有等有色金属加工、生产、销售、研发为一体的综合性企业。公司依托“中国钛城”的强大综合实力进行高效的资源共享;具备得天独厚的地域、材料、科研优势,为用户提供**的产品。公司的主营产品有:钛棒、钛板、钛管、钛标准件、钛法兰、钛设备、钛异形件以及钨、钼、镍、铌等有色金属。公司备有大量现货。公司从产品自主研发生产,到规模化,营销网络建设均形成了**竞争力的优势,产品远销欧美日韩、马来西亚等地。公司已成为宝鸡钛产业**活力的加工企业之一。公司不仅具备相当规模的硬件设施,而且拥有完整的研发能力。 宝鸡盛辉钛业有限公司位于中国钛工业重镇—陕西.宝鸡。我们的目标是以优异的产品、可靠的质量、优越的终身效能费用比和有效的服务,满足顾客日益增长的需要,质量是我们的自尊心。我们的生产理念:质量至上、用户满意、精益求精、务实创新。我们的经营宗旨:以诚为本、取信在先、合理求利、共谋发展。公司将坚持我们的生产理念和经营宗旨,始终保持材质,追求用户的始终价值和品牌支持,公司全体员工和各界同仁共同谋求中国有色金属的繁荣昌盛,共同进步。 宝鸡盛辉钛业有限公司全体员工向社会各界朋友表示**真诚的问侯,热诚恭候来我公司指导工作。希望和各界朋友达成长期合作。Situated in Baoji, Shaanxi, as a key titanium town, Baoji shenghui titanium Co. Ltd is a comprehensive enterprise integrating the manufacturing, processing, sales, R&D of titanium, titanium alloy, refractory metal, rare and other nonferrous metal.
Based on a strong titanium city of china which enjoys unique regional, material and research advantages, we share resource high-efficiently, provide customers with products of good quality.
Our staple produces range from titanium rod, titanium plate, titanium pipe, titanium parts, titanium flange, titanium equipment and abnormally-shaped units to non-ferrous metal like tungsten, molybdenum, nickel and niobium. We now have a large inventory. We have developed competitive advantages in independent R&D, economies of scale in production, and marketing network with our product exported as far as Europe, America, japan, Korea and Malaysia. We have become one of the most vigorous titanium processing enterprises in titanium industry in Baoji. Not only do we possess large-scale hardware facilities, but also complete R&D ability.
We aim to meet customers’ growing demands with excellent products, reliable quality, effective service and superior efficacy.
Our company takes quality as priority, caters for consumers’ satisfaction, and seeks betterment, practicality and innovation.
Our company put emphases on loyalty and seek interest appropriately and reasonably to achieve the common development.
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