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首页 > 供应产品 > 福州天行健250.00176610全新原装德国进口VOITH减震缓冲器
产品: 浏览次数:418福州天行健250.00176610全新原装德国进口VOITH减震缓冲器 
品牌: 德国VOITH
产地: 美国
单价: 5000.00元/个
最小起订量: 1 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-03-22 17:51

250.00176610  250.00736010福州天行健专业提供德国原装进口voith缓冲器


Voith Turbo H + L Hydraulic

VTHL systems and control units are employed in
almost all areas of mechanical engineering. They
have been developed for each particular application or are assembled from components in the
standard product line.
Our system technology is optimized for the application, highly dynamic, accurate and reliable. It is
highly efficient and characterized by low energy
consumption. Standard as well as customer-specific solutions can be employed. based on the
requirements, the design is optimized with regard
to energy efficiency, noise emissions and size.
Various components from VTHL provide essential
elements: VTHL systems technology takes the
complex processes of every particular application
into consideration. Thanks to ongoing research
and development activities, we can offer you
custom-engineered solutions for your individual
application. In this way, you can exploit the full
potential of your machine concept. Open and
close cooperation with you is essential for successful development of systems. The process
know-how of the system developer is what guarantees success. The system technology comprises the hydraulic power pack to provide the system with pressure and flow, the control unit with
actuator to control and regulate the machine
elements operated and the electronics to drive 
the valves in the control unit. The result is an
optimized system with defined interfaces and
very good process replication.
Examples of optimized system technology:
n Multi-layer technology as an alternative to
control manifold technology opens up new
possibilities for fluid channel layout and
provides greater geometric freedom than
conventional control manifold technology.
n Fast-acting valves ensure reliability and
dynamic control.
n Special valves with additional functions minimize the number of valves needed.
n Multi-pressure circuits create an energetically
efficient control system and minimize the size
of the power pack, while their extremely high
energy density may first make the application
practical at all.
n VTHL servo valves provide high accuracy and
highly dynamic response during positioning
n With an intelligent hydraulic control system
design and only the necessary functions and
valves, the system becomes very user-friendly
and rugged w

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