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首页 > 供应产品 > 克鲁勃Varnasolv在线积碳清洗剂
产品: 浏览次数:1018克鲁勃Varnasolv在线积碳清洗剂 
比重: 0.86
倾点: -54
单价: 5800.00元/吨
最小起订量: 1 吨
供货总量: 100 吨
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-03-26 05:45
比重 0.86
倾点 -54
闪点 240
粘度指数 68
规格 20L
品牌 克鲁勃
型号 Varnasolv



Klüberalfa® XZ 3-1
Dispersant, solvent and detergent

Klüberalfa XZ 3-1 is a thin-bodied
dispersing, dissolving and cleaning
agent with a high evaporation rate
for lubricants with perfluorinated
polyether as base oil (e.g. for
BARRIERTA or Klüberalfa high
temperature and contact lubricants).
Klüberalfa XZ 3-1 does not contain
chlorinated fluorocarbon
(CFC) solvents and is therefore
not affected by the CFC/halon
It has no ozone depletion
Application notes
Dispersant for BARRIERTA and
Klüberalfa lubricants, e.g. for preparing
a BARRIERTA grease
disperson for immersion and thinfilm
lubrication of electric contacts,
miniature bearings, etc.
Dispersions with a grease content
of 5 to 10% by weight have proven
effective for sliding contacts.
A 10% dispersion (10% by weight of
BARRIERTA or Klüberalfa lubricant
and 90% by weight of dispersant)
should be used for intermediate
preservation, e.g. of rolling bearings
which will later be lubricated
with a BARRIERTA or Klüberalfa
high-temperature grease.
Solvent and detergent for the
removal of lubricants with perfluorinated
polyether oil as base
oil, e.g. used BARRIERTA and
Klüberalfa grease in rolling
bearings.To avoid evaporation of this product,
the original package or the immersion
container should be closed
properly after application.
Behaviour towards plastics and
With a releatively short period of
contact between Klüberalfa XZ 3-1
and the respective component,
damage to the most widely used
plastics and elastomers is not to
be expected.
Compatibility with FKM, FFKM,
PFA and PC should be checked
even when the contact with
Klüberalfa XZ 3-1 is only short.
We also recommend a compatibility
test for series application.
Minimum shelf life
The minimum shelf life is approx.
36 months if the product is stored in
its unopened original container in a
dry place.

Klüberalfa XZ 3-1
• Dispersant, solvent and
detergent for lubricants with
perfluorinated polyether oil
• High evaporation rate
• Does not smell
• Free of CFC solvents
• Has no ozone depletion
• Non-toxic
• Water hazard class 1


Pack size
1 l canisterProduct data
Chemical basis fluoroalkane
(no smell or taste)
Density, DIN 51 757 at 20 °C, g/cm3, approx. 1.68
Boiling point, DIN 51 751, °C, approx. 56
Vapour pressure at 20 °C, mbar, approx. 310
Flash point, DIN ISO 2592 not flammable
Evaporation time at 25 °C
(3 g on a surface of 78 cm2), minutes, approx. 5



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