执行标准 | ISO9001 |
保质期限 | 3年 |
产地 | 广东佛山 |
净含量 | 354ml |
品牌 | 易省磨 |
型号 | 6613 |
水箱清洁剂 本品采用特殊的配方,适用于冰箱及冷却系统的清洗,能快速出去油污、尘粒及水垢,并能使锈层及氧化皮松动。 本品不含酸,无需中和,对冷却系统部件无损害。 使用方法 1. 排放冷却液,让发动机及冷却系统充分冷却,更换冷却液或防冻液前使用,提高冷却效能,切勿热车时加入; 2. 水箱中加入整罐本品,重新加满清水; 3. 启动发动机,运行10分钟; 4. 排放掉清洗剂,再用清水冲洗冷却系统,重复多次,直到水清净为止。 5. 冲洗好冷却系统后,在水箱中加满冷却液。 注意事项: 远离儿童 规格:354ml*24 有效期:3年 Watertank cleaner Product features: This product is a special formula for cleaning refrigerators and cooling systems, can quickly remove grease, dust and scale. It could easily dissolve the rust and remove the oxidation. This product does not contain acid, no need to neutralize when using, also do no damage to the cooling system components. DIRECTION: 1. Allow engine and cooling system to cool. Do not add liquids to a hot radiator. 2. Drain cooling system. Close drains, Pour entire contents of can into radiator, Refill with water. 3. Start engine and run for 10 minutes. Stop engine and drain system. 4. Flush system until water runs clear. Close drains, Refill with manufactures recommend antifreeze/water mixture. Replace radiator cap. 5. If equipped with coolant reservoir, rinse and refill with coolant mix to indicated level. CAUTION: Eye irritant keep away from children. Size:350ml*24 period of validity:3 years