保质时间 | 3年 |
净含量 | 20kg |
品牌 | 车亮 |
型号 | 8826 |
超浓缩全能水 本品是水溶性聚合物,其较好的亲水性可将油污乳化再与水混溶,从而将油污转化成水在大自然中降解,可减少对自然界的污染。适用于清洁大堂的地砖、瓷片、大理石、地毯、不锈钢上的污迹;厨房内的瓷片、地砖、抽油烟机、排气扇、按台灯的油迹污垢。 用法: 将本品直接洒于清洗物体表面,然后再用干净软抹布抹净即光洁如新;如清洗汽车绒棉坐垫,先将本品喷洒于表面,然后用布抹干或吸水机吸干,物体即光洁如新,无须过水,对物体无腐蚀;本品还可清洗**任何部位,直接喷洒于表面,然后用布抹干或用水冲洗干净,即光洁如新。 注意: 如清洗**坐垫,请局部作试验后,再取用。 规格:20kg*1/4kg*4 有效期:3年 Condense multipurpose fluid This product is the water-soluble polymer, can re-emulsify the oil very soon, then the oil will be degradated naturally into the water. It has the super cleaning function. Using range: Applicable to clean the tiles, marble, carpet, stains on stainless steel; kitchen tiles, floor tiles, range hood, exhaust fan, and the dust on the lamp. Usage: Directly spray this product on the surface, wipe with a soft cloth, then dry it, no need water again, it will be bright as new. It is the green product, suitable for many parts of car cleaning. NOTE: When cleaning the leather seat, try it on the small shady place first to check. Keep it away from children. Size: 20kg * 1 / 4kg * 4 Period of validity: 3 years