品牌 | 易省磨 |
型号 | 6619 |
光亮洗车液 本品是高分子多元醇聚合剂,其优点是PH呈中性,清洁力强,不上车漆,对人体无害。而且用量小、价格低,清洁后光亮持久,长期使用更令车身有打蜡、上光的效果。清洁后的污水能充分地分解于河水中,不会再次污染环境,是一种**型的环保汽车清洁剂。本品适用于手洗、机洗,驾车人士长期使用,更有每天开新车的感觉。 操作说明: 机洗时将本品兑水1:200的比例加入洗车发泡机内,再向车身喷泡清洗。如手洗时按1:300的比例兑好水。再用干净毛巾沾上液体或配合洗车手套直接清洗车身,即能达到清洁上光效果。对人体,车漆,生铁无任何副作用。 规格:20kg*1 4kg*4 有效期:3年 Bright car wash shampoo This product is a polymer agent, its PH is neutral, with high cleaning funtions, no damage to the paint and harmless to human body. only small quantity, after cleaning, your car will get the durable brightness. For long-term use, it will make the car with waxing and polishing functions. It is the environment-friendly vehicle cleaning shampoo, the sewage will be fully decomposed in the water, no pollution to the environment. It is suitable for hand washing and machine washing. Make your car newly everyday. Application range: Specially used for car surface cleaning, with waxing function. Use for direction: For machine washing, add the shampoo in the middle layer, dilute it with water at the ratio of 1:20, spray the foam on the car surface and clean it. For hand washing, dilute it with water at the ratio of 1:300. Put the clean towel together with the shampoo to wipe the car body, and the car will soon get the cleaning and polishing effects. It’s the green shampoo, no harm to human body and car paint, also no side effect to the irons. Remarks: Keep it away from children. For cleaning only. Size: 20kg * 1 / 4kg * 4 Period of validity: 3 years