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首页 > 供应产品 > 开山KA系列空压机|开山牌活塞式空压机|风机
产品: 浏览次数:1411开山KA系列空压机|开山牌活塞式空压机|风机 
品牌: 开山、恺撒、维尔泰克、KAITAIN
压缩介质: 空气
工作原理: 活塞式压缩机
单价: 10000.00元/台
最小起订量: 1 台
供货总量: 10 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-07-07 23:31
压缩介质 空气
工作原理 活塞式压缩机
润滑方式 机油润滑空压机
功率 -
外形尺寸(长*宽*高) -(mm)
型式 移动式压缩机
性能 低噪音,防爆
噪音 -(dB)
用途 油田用压缩机,天然气加气站用,凿岩机用,风动工具,车辆制动用,纺织机械用,轮胎充气用,塑料机械用压缩机,矿用压缩机,船用压缩机,医用压缩机,喷砂、喷漆用
冷却方式 风冷式
产品类型 全新
传动方式 皮带传动
品牌 开山
型号 -





☆电机功率范围:2.2-22 Kw


用途 TUNCTION                                                      


This series air compressor widely used in pneumatic lock, pneumatic tool, tire inflation, blowing process, spray paint, sand blasting and blasting and fluidic element.





特点 CHARACTERISTICS                               


●Strongly power-driven and big airend with design, the air compressor owns bigger and heavier main parts than other products in the same trade with better selection and sufficient using of materials especially with main fittings. In addition, it is more suitable to be applied in the continuous operation under heavy load for long working time with higher reliability and longer lifespan.



●Special designed is made in heat emission and air flow, which leads to low air-output temperature and low possibility of carbon deposit.



●Composite ring valve is adopted in design, with the valve plate made of stainless from Swe**nd the spring of valve block made of special spring steel wire from Japan with no bending motion in operation, the valve processes excellent property and ideal lifespan index.



●The piston ring imported from Japan is introduced in designing pistol ring, which is durable and sealable.



●Crankshaft undergoes high-frequency hardening, which enables it especially abrasion-proof.



●Some relevant working units are received precision balance, which makes it more stable with lower noise.



●Special oil separation construction is built inside the frontend jacket, so no oil vents from the breather valve, which ensures low oil consumption and cleanness of machine body.



●The core of air filter is made of imported filter paper, which acts well in filtering and absorbing noise.



●With rational design in the flaring angle of copper socket pipe and protecting jacket, it avoids cracking and air leaking.



●Pressure switch, contactor unit and thermorelay are imported with famous brands an“schneider”to ensure the reliability in control and protection.



●There are four types available in controlling air flow automatically electric controlled, automatically air controlled, electric and air controlled(manually switch), and intelligent two-way controlled one, which cater to different demands of customers.



●If the air delivery condition is complex, the intelligent controller is recommended to be installed, which is a device that can switch automatically between two different modes as electric or air controlled when feeling the condition of air delivery. In addition, it also has memory that can memorize your habit of using air and enter into the corresponding controlling mode. If your habit changes, it will adapt to it. With the help of it, it is electricity-saving, convenient and also prolongs the working lifespan of air compressor.




深圳市宏晟达机电设备有限公司    联系电话:0755-27221186


地址:中国 广东 深圳市宝安区 松岗街道广深路90-3号(松裕立交旁)




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